My children and I are big Pettersson and Findus fans. When they were younger, their adventures accompanied us to bed and we were excited to see whether the fox would fall into a trap and Findus and the rooster would become friends. One of the best books for us was the edition with the title:
I can still remember exactly how our mouths would water when we saw the pancake cake. The story is about Petersson wanting to bake a birthday cake for his cat Findus. Unfortunately, he is missing some ingredients and when he tries to get them, all sorts of things go wrong. Luckily, he manages it in the end and can make Findus happy with a delicious pancake cake.
To make sure everything works out right away, I'm giving you the pancake cake recipe based on Pettersson and Findus. I think they are ideal for children's parties and of course as a birthday cake. But even adults with a sweet tooth will be very happy if you "bake" them a cake made of pancakes and decorate it with sweet cream, jam and fruit.
5 tips for the Pettersson and Findus pancake cake
Adapt Petterson's original recipe:
The recipe for the pancakes according to Pettersson and Findus is almost exactly the same as my tried and tested one. The only difference: Pettersson uses one more egg and bakes the pancakes directly with sugar.
Whether you use 4 or 5 eggs makes no difference to the amount of dough and is up to you. You can leave out the sugar if you like. For the sake of simplicity, we'll stick with Pettersson's recipe.
Prepare the pancakes:
For the cake, you need cooled pancakes. So you can pre-bake them. If you have a Thermomix, I recommend my
Jam as a filling:
For the cake, the individual pancakes are alternately spread with jam and cream and stacked. Since we love pancakes, we also use them directly for the pancake cake.
You can also use raspberry jam, plum jam or another sweet fruit spread as you like. Yes, you could even spread Nutella on the pancakes. If you prefer it sugar-free, I recommend my
Whip the cream until stiff: