The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever: Eliminates Infections and Kills Parasites


Believe it or not, the natural antibiotic we decided to present today is considered to be one of the most potent ones because of its strong capacity to kill infections and parasites. It possesses antifungal and antiviral characteristics and it can also enhance the blood and lymph flow in the whole body. It is good against Candida overgrowth too.

Master Cleansing Tonic Recipe

You will need:

¼ cup of garlic, chopped

¼ cup of ginger, grated

2 tbsp of horseradish, grated

24 oz. of apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp of turmeric powder

¼ cup of onion, chopped

2 hot peppers

A bowl

A mason jar

Glass bottle


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