7 Tips to Eliminate Toxins Naturally


Due to the many pollutants that we ingest daily, toxins can quickly accumulate in our body. In the long term, our body becomes saturated and harmful effects can quickly become noticeable. In order to get rid of this, it is necessary to regularly ‘cleanse’ your body and unlearn certain habits that can damage the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Tobacco, alcohol, pollution, processed foods, etc. Our body can quickly look gray. The reason for this is that our body naturally removes the toxins that accumulate there, but it can quickly become overloaded if we do not help the body to cleanse itself. There is nothing better than a ‘detox cure’ to help the body remove waste. Although these treatments should be followed a maximum of twice a year, there are some simple tips that will help you stay healthy. Our advice to help you eliminate toxins

1) Reduce the intake of foods that promote the accumulation of toxins
Being healthy starts with a healthy and balanced diet. Industrial food is full of food additives, the sworn enemies of our body. Tobacco is also toxic to the body. That is why it is important to stop smoking so that the body can get rid of toxins. Finally, alcohol is a habit that is dangerous to health and that should be consumed in moderation.

Reduce the consumption of foods that promote the accumulation of toxins Source: Cuaverde
2) Make sure you stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is essential to help the body eliminate waste that accumulates in the body. Depending on the climate and your habits, it is recommended to drink an average of 1.5 liters of water per day . To optimize the detoxifying effect of water, you can add foods rich in antioxidants, such as green tea, lemon, ginger or red fruits.