7 Tips to Eliminate Toxins Naturally


Red fruit infusions can help the body eliminate toxins Source: Cuaverde
3) Make sure you have enough vitamins
Mother Nature provides us with foods that can help cleanse the liver, especially those rich in antioxidants and vitamins. As this study shows, certain fruits and vegetables can promote liver health. Examples include ginger, red berries, green tea, pomegranate, tomatoes and grapes. There are so many reasons to include them in your diet.
4) Take care of your physical and mental health
You probably know that stress is the villain of this century. And it is not without reason that this feeling has a bad name. This biological reaction can be harmful to our physical and mental health and ultimately disrupt the proper functioning of our body. To prevent toxins from accumulating in your body, there is nothing better than a meditation session to relax and unwind. Regular physical activity activates the blood circulation and also contributes to the elimination of toxins.

Regular physical activity helps you get rid of toxins Source: Cuaverde
5) Do detox cures
Yes, but be careful: no more than twice a year and never without your doctor's permission. One of the most popular cures is the lemon detox. This citrus fruit tops the list of detox foods thanks to its antioxidant properties. Black lemonade with lemon is a powerful shield for the liver.

6) Prioritize good fats in your diet
Eliminate the bad fats, but keep the good ones! Good lipids are essential for a balanced diet and play a role in many biological functions, including the transport of vitamins in the blood. Olive oil, avocado, flaxseed, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds are all good fats that you can include in your diet to keep your body functioning optimally.

7) Do breathing exercises
As mentioned above, stress is your body's worst enemy. To relax and combat chronic stress, breathing exercises are an
unstoppable weapon. There are 5 breathing techniques that will reduce your stress immediately!