sugar and mint, mix them and you will see the result: maybe you don’t even imagine it


With the arrival of summer, we want to prepare only simple, fresh and quick recipes. Let’s see what happens when you mix sugar and mint.

Two simple ingredients can give an excellent result. We are sure that once you have tried sugar and mint, you will not be able to do without them.

In summer, with the scorching temperatures, we do not want to cook but only fresh and easy to prepare foods. Among the things you want to do the most, there is drinking, hydrating yourself and lowering your body temperature. An example? Mint.

Mint is an aromatic plant often used to prepare drinks and infusions thanks to its fresh aroma and beneficial properties. With its fresh aroma and refreshing mouthfeel, when consumed, even in the form of a drink, it can help refresh the palate and provide a feeling of freshness.

Its digestive properties are also well known. It can help relieve digestive problems such as indigestion, gas and bloating. Drinking a mint infusion after meals can aid digestion.

No less important are the calming properties that help reduce stress and anxiety. The aroma of mint can help clear the airways and relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. Mint contains antioxidant compounds that can help combat oxidative stress and cellular damage in the body.

Today, however, we suggest you create a delicious recipe, to enjoy on summer evenings on the terrace, alone or with friends, to take advantage of the properties of mint.

Sugar and mint