The Recipe to Follow
You will need mint and sugar to make biscuits that, in their flavor, will remind you of the English chocolates After Eight, with this irresistible cream. The combination of sugar and mint is of course not at all new but has its origins in 1962. The intuition was given to Rowntree’s manager, Brian Sollitt, who created After Eight in the United Kingdom: a tasty and light dessert to be consumed after dinner and therefore after eight o’clock in the evening.
Among the appliances you will need, a simple hand blender stands out. Then, you will need a spatula to mix the ingredients. All palates will be satisfied and the youngest of the house will be seduced by the intense green color that characterizes the sugar and mint biscuits.
The ingredients you will need for four people are: flour (220 grams), chocolate chips (about 40 grams), softened butter (100 grams), sugar (100 grams), mint leaves (about 20 grams), a large egg, pastry powder and extra virgin olive oil if necessary.
Before starting the preparation, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. You will need a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
Wash the mint and let it dry. Pour it into a bowl with the sugar and immerse the mixer which will have to finely reduce the ingredients. Then, it will be the turn of the egg and butter. The flour will be sifted over the mixture which will now have to be worked with a spatula.
The yeast and chocolate chips will be the last two ingredients to add. The mixture must be worked with hands greased with oil. You will have to make a few balls to place on the baking paper. The dimensions of the balls should be as similar as possible.
Sugar and mint how to make it
The cooking lasts about 15 minutes although each oven is different. Once ready, let them cool and enjoy them with a cold drink