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Have you ever tried Frito pie or walking tacos? Some summers ago, my Texan friend asked me if I wanted to try a pop-up in Brooklyn, where we both lived. Growing up in the Northeast, I had never heard of, let alone tried, Frito pie. I was utterly surprised and delighted when I received a ...

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Understanding Why You Have Lines on Your Nails

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Have you seen any lines on your nails recently? Although usually not a cause for concern, these marks can sometimes indicate hidden health problems or lack of nutrients. Here is more information about what creates lines on nails and when it might be a good idea to see a doctor. 1. Getting Older As you ...

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Pineapple Coconut Surprise Cake

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Nestled deep in the heartland, where traditions are as rich as the soil, there’s a dessert that’s been bringing smiles for more years than I can count. The Pineapple Coconut Surprise Cake is a treasure that’s been passed down through generations, each adding their own little twist to perfect the surprise inside. It’s the kind ...

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My hubby's ma hardly likes soup, but she downed 3 bowls of this one!

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On those chilly evenings when the family's bustling in from a day full of activities, there's nothing quite like a steaming bowl of hearty fire-roasted tomato soup to warm everyone up. This simple yet deliciously rich soup harks back to rustic roots, delighting with that smoky depth fire-roasting brings to the humble tomato. Crafted with ...

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I love to make large quantities of this and use it all summer long.

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With a touch of heat, this sweet chili pineapple sauce is a delicious combination of sour and sweet tastes. It reminds me of all the summertime picnics we used to have on our family farm, sitting around the large wooden table with laughter resonating across the fields as we dressed in gingham. The pineapples complement ...

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This is why you need to start freezing lemons

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Lemons are a staple in many households, admired for their zesty flavor and bright, tangy punch that can elevate everything from a simple glass of water to a gourmet dish. But did you know that there’s a transformative way to use lemons that can amplify their benefits beyond what we typically enjoy? Enter frozen lemons—a ...

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