Apricot Clafoutis


Preheat oven to 165°C
* In a bowl, combine the flour with the caster sugar, vanilla, and a pinch of salt.
* Add the eggs one by one, mixing lightly between each addition. Add the melted butter, stir, then the milk. Mix everything well with a whisk to ensure there are no lumps.
* Wash and dry the apricots, cut them open, and remove the pits.

* Spread 1 tablespoon of caster sugar in the bottom of a buttered springform pan or a 25 cm baking dish (if it's not a silicone mold). Place the apricot halves, rounded side up, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Pour in the batter; the halves will rise to the surface; this is completely normal. Sprinkle with flaked almonds and bake in a preheated oven for about 50 minutes. The clafoutis will rise; don't worry, it will sink as it cools. Check for doneness with the tip of a knife; it should come out dry.
* Remove from the oven and let cool before removing from the pan. Sprinkle with icing sugar if desired before serving.