Apple bread with nuts


5 eggs

600 ml milk

2 tablespoons sugar

1 pinch of salt

350 g wheat flour

100 ml mineral water

2 tablespoons butter

For the filling

400 ml whipped cream

2 packets of cream stiffener

2 packets of vanilla sugar

200 g fresh berries

(or other jam as desired)

Bake pancakes
Mix the eggs with 100 ml milk, sugar and salt.
Stir in the flour and then the remaining milk and mineral water. Let the dough rest for 1 hour.
Heat the butter in a pan and bake 8-9 pancakes one after the other. Then let them cool down a little.
Fill and decorate the pancake cake
Whip the cream with the cream stiffener and vanilla sugar until stiff.
Coat the pancakes alternately with cream and jam and stack them on top of each other. Garnish the last pancake with cream and decorate it with fresh berries as desired.
Put the pancake cake in the fridge for at least 4 hours to set.Pancake cake according to Pettersson and Findus