Aluminum eliminates the electrification that occurs during washing and prevents clothes from being damaged, often irreparably, even if they’re new. Be careful not to waste them. However, there’s no need to replace the balls every time. You can even use them for up to six months.
Today, we’re sharing another simple trick that will allow you to achieve incredible results with aluminum beads. In this case, it’s best to store them in your pantry.
Here’s why you should have aluminum foil balls in your pantry.
Aluminum Foil Balls: Why in the
Dining Room Not everyone knows that aluminum foil can be used to repel insects, especially in areas where food is stored, like the pantry.
Aluminum foil balls: why in the pantry
If you’re suffering from annoying insects in the kitchen, you can combat them with an incredible and super-effective remedy. They’re attracted not only by poor hygiene, but also by expired food, humidity, and opened and poorly stored food. When you open your pantry, if you see small insects moving or flying, the first thing to do is remove all the food inside.
After checking all food for pests, they usually crawl through flour, rice, cereals, and many other items. Clean the entire pantry with soap and hot water, throw away spoiled or contaminated food, and thoroughly clean the entire kitchen.
Once your pantry is completely dry, you can put all the food back in. Next, you need to place aluminum foil balls inside the cage to keep insects away. Making them is very simple: cut pieces of aluminum foil and roll them into balls.
The balls should be placed in the opened package; the color of the aluminum and its texture make it impossible for insects to reach it. Try this incredible remedy and you’ll see that you’ll no longer find annoying pets in your pantry. The results are amazing.