In a salad bowl, put the Ricotta cheese, grated Parmesan, crumbled and drained tuna, sliced olives and capers previously rinsed cut into very small pieces.
Add the chopped parsley, lemon zest and juice, breadcrumbs, garlic, sweet pepper and finally the lightly beaten eggs, then start mixing all the ingredients with a fork. Salt and pepper.
Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a compact and homogeneous mixture (if the mixture is too soft, add a little more breadcrumbs and cheese). Leave to rest for 20 to 30 minutes in a cool place.
Lightly moisten your hands and take small portions of dough to which you will give the classic shape of a round and slightly flattened ball.
After forming the ball, pass it in the breadcrumbs.
Fry the croquettes in hot, non-smoking oil over low to medium heat (do not exceed 180°C, it will take a few moments to brown them).
Place the croquettes on a plate lined with absorbent paper.