Have you ever wondered why some nails have a white half-moon near the base, while others have none? These small shapes, called lunulae, are not there by chance. Their size, presence or color can reveal important information about your health. But what do these mysterious marks really mean?
The size of the lunulae: an indicator not to be underestimated
Large lunulae: too much effort or too much stress?
If the lunulae cover a significant proportion of the nail (more than a third), this may be an individual characteristic without a direct link to a health problem. Some studies suggest that they may be more visible in active or sporty people, possibly due to good vascularization and efficient blood circulation. However, there is no formal evidence establishing a direct correlation between large lunulae and stress levels or excessive effort. A sedentary lifestyle with large lunulae should not be automatically interpreted as a sign of chronic stress, but it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional if it is accompanied by other unusual symptoms.
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