Those yellow stains on pillows may be disgusting, but they’re not permanent.
While we know that the human body—including our own—can be gross at times, we prefer not to be reminded of it. So when you change out your bedding and find that your once pristine white pillows are now covered in a mesh of yellow and brown stains, it can be unsettling.
But those discolored pillows look worse than they actually are. There is a reasonable explanation for why these stains form, and they can be removed. Here’s what you need to know:
Why do pillows turn yellow?
There are several reasons why pillows turn yellow, but the most common cause of these stains is sweat. People sweat while they sleep, some more than others. The more you sweat, the more moisture will seep into the pillowcase and onto the pillow, causing the stains. And when you consider how many hours your head and face spend on that pillow, that’s a lot.
In addition to sweat, your hair can also be to blame: Especially if it’s particularly oily or if you often go to bed with wet or damp hair. Certain makeup and skin care products can also be the cause of these yellow stains. It can also be funny. Placing a waterproof pillow protector in front of your pillowcase can help prevent a lot of the discoloration.
How to Wash Pillows in the
Washing Machine Make sure your washing machine is big enough.
If your washing machine is big enough, you can wash small pillows in it. However, if you have queen or king-size pillows, head to the laundromat and take advantage of the extra-large front-loading washing machines. “What cleans is not the water, but the tumbling motion of the laundry in the washing machine,” Roberts says. “If you put pillows in the washing machine, they get wet, but they can’t be turned inside out.”
Use the delicate wash cycle.