Cut the ends of the clementines and then cut them in half and finally squeeze them to get the juice (or remove the inside with a spoon, mix well and put it in a batter to get the juice). Reserve the clementines emptied.
For the making of the cream:
Separate the yolks from the whites, store the egg yolks in a container, add the corn and mix well.
Heat the milk in a saucepan, add a little vanilla sugar, once it's done add the warm milk to the egg-based preparation and put it all back in the saucepan on the fire. Add the juice of clementines and mix over heat until it thickens.
Fill empty clementines with cream.
Let it rest for 3 hours cool.
When the clementines are out of the fresh, sprinkle the clementines with cassonade sugar or semolina sugar, then burn the top with a torch (possible to do it with the back of a spoon)
It's ready!