It is the old method of our grandmothers, which still works well today: make an “onion poultice” and once and for all the illness is over!


Third, put a cloth over it and let it sit for at least two or three hours, or all night if you can.
Putting on an onion mask:
1- Combine honey with chopped onion.
2-After greasing the face with olive oil, apply.
3. After 30 minutes, wash it off with warm water.
Revitalizing potion:
1 - Mince a head of garlic and ten onions.
2-Simmer for one hour in a liter of milk over medium heat.
Third, strain, let cool, and then stir in two teaspoons of honey.
4-Take a spoonful with each meal five times a day.
Reduce body fat with onion soup:
1- Chop six bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, parsley, garlic, and carrots.
2–Cook the components in a saucepan of water.
3. For seven days, eat the soup every day with some chicken, veggies, and fruits.