Don’t throw away the orange peels, put them in a jar and add a little vinegar: it’s worth gold in the house.


In the realm of eco-conscious cleaning solutions, the dynamic duo of orange peels and vinegar emerges as a valuable asset for various household chores, providing a sustainable alternative to conventional cleaners.

As the colder months set in and our consumption of oranges rises to combat seasonal ailments, the often-discarded orange peels hold untapped potential for enhancing our home care routine. Not only do they offer a natural solution to cleaning challenges, but they also contribute to reducing waste and promoting environmental sustainability.

Unlocking the Potential: Rich in essential oils and citrus properties, orange peels can be repurposed in a remarkably effective way when combined with vinegar, a known natural cleanser. This powerful concoction creates a potent cleaning agent that not only tackles grime but also contributes a delightful citrus aroma, transforming the cleaning process into a more pleasant experience. Additionally, harnessing the natural properties of orange peels and vinegar eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, making it safer for both the environment and our health.

Recipe for Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner: Ingredients:

Orange peels
A jar