Date and Nut Energy Bites with Sesame and Seeds


Things needed:
The amount of sesame seeds needed is 3/8 cup.
Pitted dates: 300 grams
Three teaspoons of butter
Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Half a teaspoon of salt
Nuts: half a cup
In ¼ cup; almonds
3-Tbsp. of pistachios
Pumpkin Seeds: 1 third cup
Captivating for You

What to do:
Season the sesame seeds with some toast:
Toast the sesame seeds until they are aromatic and slightly brown in a dry pan over medium heat. Remove and let to cool.
Make the Appointments:
Combine the pitted dates with the other ingredients in a food processor and pulse until a paste is formed.
Where can I get the best food?
To melt the butter: