Vegan Cauliflower Caponata


Heat the oven for 15 minutes at 250 degrees.
Take a baking tray and then put the cauliflower, red onion, and the celery in it. (Chop these veggies before putting them in the tray).
Now add 1 tsp. of olive oil in it and then 2 tbsp of white wine vinegar and then add some salt and pepper over it.
Mix the veggies properly and then bake it for 25 minutes till all the veggies become tender.
Now take the tomatoes slice them and then add them to the same baking tray.
Add capers, olives, and then the raisins in it.
Mix and then slightly mash everything properly and then return to bake in the oven for almost 40 minutes.
Now, properly mix one time and then garnish it with some parsley.
Nutritional facts:
Calories: 160