Put 3 balls of aluminum foil in the washing machine and get rid of this problem once and for all!


To prepare delicious dishes in the oven, to dye or straighten hair, to preserve food or wrap up leftover food…

Aluminum foil is an essential tool at home and its uses are multiple. Including a little-known, but very judicious, use that you probably didn’t know about: it protects your clothes each time you wash them and prevents them from becoming electrified. Quickly discover this brilliant tip!
Indeed, when washing clothes in the washing machine, a certain quantity of electrical charges are immediately released. Which can significantly harm laundry by wearing out the textiles, or even tearing fragile fabrics.

This static electricity can come from the washing machine itself or from the friction of clothes while washing. Hence the phenomenon of electrification of tissues, often annoying and unsightly. So why would it be useful to embed 3 balls of aluminum foil in the drum? We will explain everything to you.
Why do you need to integrate balls of aluminum foil into the washing machine?
The washing machine is where the most static electricity builds up, because the more clothes rub against each other when dry, the more electrical charge will be generated.

By introducing balls of foil to each wash, you will notice that they absorb all the static energy, preventing clothes from being damaged or electrified.

The method is very simple to carry out: you just need to insert three balls of aluminum foil, the size of a golf ball, and follow the usual steps for each laundry, with the detergent and the washing program that you usually practice.

NB: if the clothes you are washing tend to drain a lot of electricity, it is essential to use fabric softener during the wash cycle, as well as a short spin program so as not to aggravate this. problem
What is aluminum foil made of?
Aluminum is a chemical element that is extracted from a material called “bauxite”. It is a non-ferromagnetic metal, meaning it does not have the necessary compounds to be easily magnetized.

The aluminum foil is thus obtained thanks to the balance of iron and silicone, as well as 98.5% aluminum. In addition, the sheet of this metal is very flexible and it is an excellent conductor of heat.
Other Unsuspected Uses of Aluminum Foil

In addition to those that we have already mentioned, aluminum foil can help us on a daily basis to simplify certain tasks or solve a lot of small hassles.

Here are some surprising and even unusual uses:
– Cleaning a burnt pan: a simple, well-crumpled piece of aluminum foil can quickly remove burn marks. Just rub well and the residue will come off more easily.

– Move the living room table: dust has accumulated in the living room and you plan to do a big clean? Oops, you’re still having trouble moving the coffee table in the living room, which is a little too heavy for you. No problem: wrap pieces of aluminum foil under the four legs of the table and you will notice that it will slide more quickly.
Give shine to your old, completely rusty silverware: have you just taken out old cutlery from the back of the cupboard as well as old, completely dull and oxidized jewelry? This is a surprising method to make all your silver pieces shine. Simply place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a basin, fill it with a mixture of hot water and coarse salt and immerse all your objects in it. Leave it on for a while before taking them out and drying them properly. The result is stunning: all your pieces have regained their former glory!

– Clean the iron: If it is full of stains and dirt, the iron will immediately be sticky and much slower than usual. Not to mention that it leaves unsightly marks on your clothes. Hop, make a big ball of aluminum foil and vigorously rub the dirtiest areas. Here it is again ready for use!
Additional tips for taking care of your laundry