Clean your stove vents


Once the water is boiling, gradually sprinkle in baking soda. The quantity will depend on the water's volume, but a good starting point is a couple of tablespoons. Be prepared for it to fizz and foam - this reaction is part of the cleaning magic.

Submerge Filters: Carefully lower your filters into the boiling mixture using tongs. The fizzing action of the baking soda will begin to dissolve the grease and grime. If your filters are large, you might need to clean them one half at a time.

Boil: Allow the filters to sit in the boiling mixture for about a minute. This short time frame is usually sufficient for small filters, but larger ones might need a bit longer.

Rinse and Marvel: After boiling, remove the filters and rinse them under hot water. The difference is astounding – what was once clogged with grease should now look almost new.

Reuse the Solution: For multiple filters, you can reuse the same water, adding more baking soda as needed to maintain its effectiveness.


Cleaning the Pot: The pot used might look a bit worse for wear, but it cleans up easily with some soap and water.

Disposal of Wastewater: To avoid greasy residue in your pipes or environmental harm, dispose of the used water in an inconspicuous area of your yard, away from pets and children.

This cleaning method is not just efficient but also eco-friendly, relying on the natural cleaning power of baking soda. It’s a game-changer for kitchen maintenance, ensuring your cooking space remains not just visually clean but also hygienically so. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes, offering a quick and satisfying solution to a common kitchen problem. Give it a try and enjoy cooking with peace of mind, knowing your food is being prepared under sparkling clean vents.