Baggage handler reveals why you should never tie a ribbon on your luggage


If you’ve ever spent any amount of time at an airport scanning the baggage carousel for your prized possessions, you’ll understand the stress of seeing hundreds of near identical suitcases passing by on the conveyor belt.

While resourceful travelers discovered that securing a ribbon to their luggage makes theirs stand out from the rest, an airport worker is warning passengers that using personal markers comes with the kind of baggage you can’t unload.

Keep reading to learn why you should never use ribbons or travel with marzipan!

The thought of losing baggage while travelling can strike fear into even the most seasoned of travelers.

To reduce the risk of having luggage taken by another passenger, or of watching luggage slowly swirl by repeatedly on the conveyor belt, travelers are attaching colorful ribbons to their suitcases to make sure it stands apart from the rest.

But according to a Dublin Airport baggage handler, who goes by the name John, these popular tricks are doing more harm than good.

In fact, it can make your worst travel nightmare come true.

Leave the ribbon at home
Speaking to RSVP Live, John revealed that tying identifying ribbons on your luggage can cause delays, meaning your belongings might miss the flight.