Toilet paper in the bathroom, always leave it like this: the reason is absurd but it saves your life


In any case you can place it however you prefer, it is always useful because it solves the problem of drying and cleaning yourself after doing your business. In public bathrooms it is much more useful . In this case, we all make the same serious mistake when trying to protect ourselves.

The position of the toilet paper is useful, on the one hand, because it is located near the toilet and therefore you can easily grab it. On the other hand, however, it is a real disadvantage, as it causes poor hygiene, infections and, in some cases, even illness.
Because the toilet paper in public bathrooms is very dirty.

What we all do, especially in the presence of children , is take the toilet paper and place it on the toilet lid so as not to sit on it or come into contact with the dirty surface because it is used by anyone.

Few people know that this way you only risk making the situation worse because toilet paper is the dirtiest thing in the bathroom. Fecal germs and bacteria go into the air and settle right there. The ideal would be to avoid using them , but you can’t, especially if you don’t have tissues with you. So the minimum is to avoid using it this way.
How it was done in the Middle Ages due to the lack of toilet paper

Today everyone wonders how, when, to use and place toilet paper. Once upon a time, for example in the Middle Ages, there was no toilet paper.

There were those who used a scraping stick and those who used hay, stones, sand, hemp, wool, corn cobs, husks, fruit peels, ferns, sponges or shells or even ceramic scrap.