Keep Flies and Mosquitoes at Bay with Coffee and Bay Leaves


Are you looking for an effective way to rid your home of flies and mosquitoes without resorting to harsh chemicals? Look no further than your kitchen pantry. A combination of coffee grounds and bay leaves could be the solution you need. This natural repellent is not only easy to use but also adds a pleasant aroma to your home. Here’s how you can put these common ingredients to use and enjoy a bug-free environment.

Why Coffee and Bay Leaves?

Coffee grounds have a strong smell that is surprisingly effective in repelling insects, including mosquitoes. The scent masks the environmental cues that mosquitoes use to locate their targets. Bay leaves, on the other hand, contain compounds such as eucalyptol and cineole, which are unappealing to many types of flies and mosquitoes.

How to Use Coffee and Bay Leaves to Repel Insects

Materials Needed:

Fresh or used coffee grounds

Dry bay leaves

Small bowls or plates
