How To Clean Grease Off Of Practically Any Kitchen Surface


Cooking is a delightful pastime for me, but it invariably leaves behind unsightly stains that I can’t stand. Among these culinary culprits, grease stains from cooking oil are the bane of every kitchen enthusiast’s existence. These stubborn stains have a knack for infiltrating our cabinets, stoves, backsplashes, and countertops, even when we believe our kitchen surfaces are pristine. The good news, however, is that there are uncomplicated yet highly effective methods to banish these greasy invaders from our kitchen spaces.

Let’s commence with the kitchen backsplash, situated just behind your stove and often cloaked in a thin layer of oil. The most straightforward way to tackle this is by spraying some lemon juice onto the affected area. Allow the lemon juice to work its magic for a few minutes, then wipe it away with a damp cloth. It’s advisable to conduct a spot test on an inconspicuous area first, as the reaction of lemon juice with certain backsplash materials or stones can vary.

Moving on to the oven range, begin by dismantling all removable parts, such as grates and burner covers. Submerge these components in a sink filled with hot, soapy water, allowing them to soak for an hour before scrubbing, rinsing, and drying. For those stubborn, burnt-on stains, concoct a paste using baking soda and dish detergent, apply it to the affected surface, let it sit for 20 minutes, then scrub off the residue and finish by wiping with a damp cloth.

Surprisingly, the best way to combat oil stains on stainless steel appliances is by using oil itself. Dip a soft cloth into a small amount of olive oil and gently wipe down the stainless steel surfaces. The oil will effectively absorb the grease adhering to the stainless steel without causing any harm. Follow up with a microfiber cloth to polish the surface to a brilliant shine.