How the color of your tongue reveals your health


4. Thick white coating, swollen edges – This also indicates digestive disorders, or water retention. These people often suffer from fatigue and lethargy.

5. Dark spots and purple tongue – Indicator of possible blood congestion and vein problems. Swollen feet, headaches, chest pain and dull skin are the most common symptoms seen in these people.

6. Thin white coating and red tip – This condition shows an altered emotional state. Energy builds up in the body and causes frequent inflammation.

7. Red tongue and white diapers – Indicator of increased body temperature possibly caused by infections and skin problems.

8. Thick white coating, and pale, swollen tongue – Possible infection, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiency. Also, if you have pale skin, pain in the pelvis and a feeling that is similar to panic, consult your doctor immediately.

9. Small cuts/cracks – Fungal infections often manifested by sweating, insomnia and irritation.

10. Pale tongue, no visible layers – This condition is caused by decreased blood flow, anemia, memory and concentration problems. Women with this condition often have a hormonal imbalance.