Welcome to our cooking section! Today, we are happy to share a simple recipe for making your own energy bars. These bars are filled with natural sweetness from dates, apricots, and prunes, along with the crunch of cashews and the richness of coconut. Great for a quick and healthy snack, these energy bars are tasty and good for you. Let's begin!
Time to get ready
Time needed to prepare: 15 minutes
Relaxation Time: 30 minutes
Time needed: 45 minutes
Ingredients (For 12 servings)
1 cup of dates, which weighs 130 grams.
1/2 cup of dried apricots, which is equal to 80 grams.
1/2 cup of prunes, which is equal to 80 grams.
1/2 cup of cashews, which is equal to 70 grams.
1 cup of dried coconut (60g)
1-2 tablespoons of powdered oats (if desired)
Nutrition Facts (Per Piece)
Calories: 129
Fat content: 6 grams
Carbs: 19.7 grams
Protein: 2 grams