Magic Clove: A Quick and Natural Remedy to Combat Cockroaches


Cloves, the fragrant spice you probably already have in your kitchen, may be a game-changer when it comes to finding a natural solution to the annoying issue of cockroaches in your house. For those who would rather not use harsh chemicals, this easy home cure is an excellent alternative since it is both effective and safe.

Eugenol, an ingredient in clove oil, is a powerful insecticide. Because of this, cloves are a great, all-natural way to keep cockroaches at bay. They avoid treated regions because the powerful aroma of cloves is too much for them to bear, which interferes with their pheromone transmission.

A Clove-Based Approach to Eliminating Cockroaches

A quart of water and one teaspoon of clove oil make a great spray. To make sure the oil is dispersed evenly, shake vigorously. If you see cockroaches in your house, be sure to spray this mixture in any cracks or spaces they may hide in. The pungent aroma will ward off these unwanted visitors.