Enjoy Tangerines All Year Round: Easy Tips to Keep Them Fresh


Tangerines, with their burst of sunny, sweet flavor, are a favorite for many of us, and wouldn’t it be wonderful to enjoy them all year round? With a few simple storage tips, you can keep tangerines fresh and delicious for up to 12 months. Here’s how you can savor these juicy fruits any time you wish!

1. Selecting the Right Tangerines

The key to long-lasting freshness begins at selection. When buying tangerines, choose fruits that are firm and heavy for their size, with a vibrant orange color and a sweet, citrusy aroma. Avoid any with soft spots or blemishes, as these will spoil more quickly.

2. Proper Refrigeration

For short-term storage, tangerines can be kept in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer where they will stay fresh for a few weeks. Make sure to keep them in a mesh bag or loosely packed in a paper bag to allow air circulation, which prevents moisture buildup and mold.

3. Freezing for Long-Term Storage