You may get rid of cracked heels in only one day with the use of the candle tip.


You will need a candle, olive oil, vaseline, and coconut oil to prepare this cracked foot cream. Making this just takes a few minutes, and it will be finished in around twenty. To begin, you will need to grind the whole candle until it is reduced to extremely little pieces using a grater.

Once the candle is grated, transfer it to a dish and drizzle with half a glass of olive oil. After thoroughly mixing the two ingredients, add half a cup of water to a small pot. After placing the bowl within, use a bain-marie to melt the candle.

You may take the bowl out of the pot after the candle and oil are fully liquid. All you need to do is add half a teaspoon of coconut oil and a spoonful of Vaseline. Blend the mixture well until the coconut oil and petroleum jelly dissolve. Proceed for many minutes.