Unveiling Nature’s Secrets: 7 Natural Fertilization Methods for Vibrant Crops


Chemical fertilizers are often used by gardeners in their pursuit of abundant, lush crops. Nature, on the other hand, provides a wealth of organic substitutes that are better for the soil and encourage longer-term, healthier development. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables may be naturally fertilized in five creative ways, using everything from common household items to treatments that have been handed down through many generations.

One of the most effective natural fertilizers for many different crops is lactobacillus serum, which draws on the beneficial bacteria already present in the soil. Put milk and rice wash water in a jar and let it ferment for a few days until it starts to smell sour. That's all it takes to make this elixir. To improve nutrient absorption and encourage strong development, dilute the serum with water and sprinkle it on the soil around your plants.

2. Scrambled eggs:

Because they are mostly calcium carbonate, eggshells are a great all-natural fertilizer for tomato plants. A slow-release source of calcium, crushed eggshells may be sprinkled over tomato plant bases or mixed with soil. Plants can't divide their cells, activate their enzymes, or withstand diseases without calcium. Gardeners may encourage healthy fruit growth and avoid calcium shortage problems like blossom end rot by adding eggshells to the soil