Made 60 of these make-ahead treats, but found that 1 mysteriously disappeared while my hubby was in the kitchen. They are that good


As the summer days slip away and the back-to-school season edges closer, the life of a busy mama with two energetic kids kicks into high gear. Between outfit wrangling, lunch prep, and ensuring backpacks are packed, mornings often feel like a mad dash.
But this year, I've hatched a plan to transform our upcoming school mornings into a breeze by whipping up a whopping 60 scrumptious make-ahead freezer breakfast sandwiches.
You know how those lightbulb moments happen? Well, mine came as I pondered the chaos that typically reigns during our early hours. Amidst the whirlwind, there's one thing that often slips through the cracks: a hearty and nourishing breakfast for the whole gang. And that's where my genius plan comes into play – creating a batch of mouthwatering breakfast sandwiches that can be prepared in advance, frozen, and then easily warmed up and devoured on those bustling school days.
A Quirky Anecdote: The Curious Case of the Disappearing Sandwich
But as I embarked on my ambitious quest to craft 60 freezer-friendly breakfast sandwiches, an amusing incident unfolded. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that one sandwich had mysteriously vanished from the ranks. My husband, who isn't usually the culinary explorer of the family, was caught red-handed, munching on one of these coveted creations. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of his sheepish grin and a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. It seems these sandwiches have a magnetic pull that even he couldn't resist!
Breakfast Bliss for Bustling Mornings