Drink a glass of “Night Fat Thief” before going to bed… belly fat will disappear in a week!


Who among us has not learned to drink milk at night since childhood? Our caring parents did it for a reason: milk contains tryptophan and amino acids that help us sleep better.


1 Art. milk of medium fat content
2 tsp. honey
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg

Heat the milk.
Add honey and nutmeg.
The spicy combination of milk with honey and nutmeg makes this drink extremely tasty. Honey promotes relaxation and ensures restful sleep. Nutmeg has a warming effect that boosts your metabolism to burn fat while you sleep.

Cherry juice and aloe vera
Interesting lineup, isn't it? Studies have shown that cherry juice significantly improves sleep duration and quality. Scientists have found a direct link between eating cherries and low body fat, including belly fat.


0.5 tbsp. cherry juice (without sugar)
1 tbsp. aloe vera juice
1 tbsp. water at room temperature

Mix cherry juice and aloe vera.
Add water.
Shake well and drink.
Aloe vera is a widely used traditional remedy for diabetes. Recent studies confirm that the plant regulates blood sugar levels and contributes to weight loss.

Kefir and spirulina
Spirulina is the simplest single-cell blue-green microalgae. It got its name due to its special shape: if you look at it under a microscope, you can see a spiral-shaped spiral. It has long been known that it is the most nutritious food supplement in the world, because it contains almost everything the human body needs. You can find it in any pharmacy: in tablet or powder form.

2 tbsp. l. spirulina powder
1 tbsp. kefir

Spirulina solutions in a glass of kefir.
Mix thoroughly and add spices or honey to taste.

Spirulina - amazingly cleanses the body, reduces inflammation and strengthens immunity. If you drink such a cocktail with kefir before bedtime, the load on the liver after a large feast will decrease. Modest green algae in combination with kefir will correct any nutritional deficiencies, support energy and a healthy metabolism.

These simple recipes for losing belly fat will not only help you fit into your old jeans, but also improve your health. It is worth remembering that proper nutrition and physical activity remain the most reliable proven methods for losing weight in the area of ​​the "equator" of the body.

Recent studies have only proven that fat burning cocktails at night actually contribute to weight loss