It might be difficult to understand the vast web of different biological circuits and systems that make up our body. One such system is the body's defense mechanisms. They protect us from a variety of threats 24/7, every day of the week.
These are eight amazing things your body does that you might not know are defense mechanisms:
Why do we yawn? Yawning primarily serves to replenish the brain with oxygen after it becomes overheated or overwhelmed.
Why do we sneeze? We usually sneeze when too many allergens, bacteria, dust, or other irritants enter our nasal passages. The body uses sneezing to expel this "garbage."
For what reason do we stretch? Stretching is our natural way of preparing our body for the day's physical work ahead of us. Through this gesture, we increase blood flow, lengthen our muscles, and lift our mood.
Why do we occasionally have hiccups? The vagus nerve can be irritated when we eat too quickly, swallow large portions or eat too much. Hiccups occur because the diaphragm is irritated and the stomach expands due to this discomfort.
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