Patties made of potatoes are superior than pizza. Simple and inexpensive recipe


The next step is to cook the potato cakes. To do this, heat vegetable oil in a big frying pan over medium heat. Fill the pan with the potato mixture and shape it into little patties using a spoon. The patties should be fried until they have a golden brown color on both sides. Take it out and lay it on a platter lined with paper towels so that any extra oil may drain out. This procedure results in the patties having an outside that is wonderfully crunchy.

To prepare the toppings, slice the tomatoes and grate the cheese. Continue with step 4. Reduce the spring onions to a finer grade. Both the ground chili pepper and the Italian herbs should be mixed together. Adding these toppings to the patties gives them additional levels of taste and texture.

5. Assemble the dish using the Ezoic method: On a baking sheet, arrange the potato patties that have been fried. A slice of tomato and a large quantity of grated cheese should be placed on top of each burger on the sandwich. The chopped spring onions, Italian herbs, and ground chili pepper should be sprinkled on top of the dish. During this stage, the patties are transformed into little "pizzas" garnished with colorful toppings.

6. Bake: Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit). Cook the prepared patties in the oven for about ten minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbling. By baking the meal, the tastes are brought together and the dish is finished off with a lovely cheesy flavor.

Ezoic's seventh step is to prepare the sauce. The sour cream, the garlic that has been pressed, the finely chopped dill, and a sprinkle of salt should be mixed together in a small bowl. Combine thoroughly. The flavorful patties are further enhanced by the addition of this garlic-dill sauce, which has a creamy and tangy component.

8. Serve: Serve the potato patties while they are still hot, with the garlic-dill sauce that has been made on the side. Not only does the sauce improve the overall taste of the food, but it is also ideal for dipping with.

Why These Potato Patties Are Superior to Pizza Crispy and flavorful, these potato patties. When grated potatoes and onions are combined and then cooked until they reach a golden brown color, a crispy foundation is produced that is not only fulfilling but also tasty.

In addition to being easy to prepare, this dish is very adaptable and easy to use. These patties are versatile enough to be eaten as a snack, an appetizer, a side dish, or even as a main attraction. In addition, it is simple and fast to create, and the components are ones that you probably already have in your kitchen.

This meal is loaded with nutrients since it is made with fresh potatoes, tomatoes, and herbs. It serves as a healthy and nutritious option. This pizza is a healthier alternative to typical pizza since it has less processed ingredients and more vitamins than traditional pizza.

How to Make the Best Potato Patties: Some Tips
Get Rid of the Excess Moisture: To ensure that the shredded potatoes have as little water as possible, be careful to squeeze them out. In order to get a crispy texture, this step is very necessary.

Make sure you don't scrimp on the seasoning while using Ezoic Seasoning. It is possible to improve the overall taste of the patties by seasoning the potato mixture and toppings in the appropriate manner.

These patties are best eaten while they are still hot and fresh from the oven, so serve them as soon as possible. It is recommended to serve the dish as soon as possible since the crispy texture and melted cheese are at their peak.

Serving Suggestions for a Snack: These potato patties are a delectable and satiating snack that you may serve to your guests. They are ideal for gatherings of a more informal nature, such as game nights, parties, or events