How to Make Avocado Oil at Home from Scratch | Cold Pressed


Spread the avocado paste evenly onto a clean cloth or parchment paper. Let it sit in a warm, sunny spot for about 2 days. The warmth will help the oil to separate from the paste naturally. Alternatively, you can use a dehydrator set at a low temperature to speed up the process.

5. Press the Avocado Paste

Once the paste has dried and darkened, place it into a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. Squeeze and press the paste to extract the oil. This is the cold-press method that ensures the oil retains its nutritional properties.

6. Collect the Oil

Allow the oil to drip into a bowl. This process might take some time, so be patient. You can press and squeeze to get as much oil as possible.

7. Store the Oil

Once you have collected the oil, pour it into a clean glass jar or bottle. Seal it tightly and store it in a cool, dark place to preserve its freshness. Homemade cold-pressed avocado oil can last up to a few months if stored properly.

Benefits of Cold-Pressed Avocado Oil
Cold-pressed avocado oil is rich in healthy fats, vitamins A, D, and E, and antioxidants. It’s great for cooking, as a salad dressing, or even for skincare and haircare due to its moisturizing properties.

Tips for Best Results
Use Fresh Avocados: Ensure your avocados are fresh and free from any spoilage to get the best quality oil.

Consistent Warmth: If you’re sun-drying the paste, ensure it’s consistently warm to facilitate the oil separation.

Be Patient: Extracting oil can take time, so be patient and ensure you press as much oil out as possible.

Making your own cold-pressed avocado oil at home is a rewarding process that allows you to enjoy the pure, unadulterated benefits of this wonderful fruit. With just a few steps, you can create a versatile, healthy oil that enhances your culinary creations and beauty routines. Give it a try, and enjoy the rich, vibrant flavor and health benefits of homemade avocado oil!