How to Grow Endless Amounts of Ginger at Home


Growing ginger at home is not only a rewarding activity, but it also ensures that you have a fresh supply of this versatile and health-beneficial spice right at your fingertips. Ginger is known for its strong immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to aid digestion and alleviate nausea. With a little effort, you can easily grow ginger indoors and have a continuous harvest throughout the year. Here’s a simple guide to help you cultivate endless amounts of ginger in your own space.

Starting Your Ginger Plant
What You Need:
Organic ginger root (Non-organic may be treated with growth inhibitors)
A wide, shallow pot
Potting soil rich in organic matter
Selecting the Root: Begin with a fresh, plump piece of organic ginger root. Look for one with visible eyes (little bumps) from which the shoots will grow.Soak the Root: Soak the ginger root in warm water overnight. This step helps to remove any residue that may inhibit growth and awakens the dormant buds.